Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pet Peevisms... What Are They Anyway?

Pet Peeve: (noun) a particular and often continual annoyance; personal bugbear

We all have them. You know what I mean, those things that are of a constant annoyance. Picture it, you're driving down the highway in the left lane. All of a sudden you approach a car ahead of you going slower than slow. First you give them a chance; maybe they didn't see you. Nothing. Then you ponder whether to pass them on the right or not. Still no move on his part. Then you become just flat out annoyed. Why aren't they moving? Don't they know the left lane is the passing lane? Why aren't they driving in the middle lane where they belong? It happens all the time! What's wrong with these drivers?

This is an example of a pet peeve. Yes, those 'little things' that just eat away and bother you when they happen. Well folks, not to fear, I'm here! Here to help you, that is, get over those negative annoyances, and (hopefully) turn them into positives! Here's what I'll do. Every blog, I'll name a pet peeve that happened that day (and yes, I have many pet peeves). Then I'll find the opportunity in it! Yes, in everything there is an opportunity! (Believe me, I know!). So, join me on this journey to discover the various ways to improve our mental well being! It may take some time, but changing the way we think is a short blog away. And who knows, maybe we'll get rid of those pet peeves for good!!

(PS... if you hit "follow" then you'll always be up to speed on the newest blog!)

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